Thursday, 24 February 2011

Grab your gear soldier...We're shipping out...

Ok, so Autumn is a long LONG way away - especially when you are waiting for a game such as BATTLEFIELD 3. 

You will all know what I am talking about, unless of course, you live under a rock or are some form of Quaker (If so...get off my blog, this must be like the anti Christ for you!)


Battlefield 3 is funded by EA and created and developed by DICE, they created the awesomeness that is Battlefield: Bad Company and Battlefield: Bad Company 2.

Battlefield 3 however, is steering away from the 'Bad Company' title and is going back to its PC roots from 4/5 years ago (namely Battlefield 2 - Long live Specs Ops!). Some may say (namely the console fans who haven't experienced the franchise for more than 3 years that this is indeed, a bad move, I on the other hand, coming from a PC background - feel this will just make the game / franchise that SO much better.

I cannot put into words how much I am looking forward to this game, from everything I have read that is going to be included (Yes...Prone IS coming to console...) this is shaping up to be game of the year - In my book anyway!

The game is available for Pre-order from all major stockists and I would highly advise Pre-ordering as everyone who does is eligible for the FREE download of the map 'Back to Karkand'
So in closing...I will leave you with the official blurb from the guys over at Dice and EA and another 43 second game play teaser...
Until next time...Enjoy

Frostbite 2 – Battlefield 3 introduces Frostbite 2, the incredible technology that takes animation, destruction, lighting, scale and audio to new heights. Built upon this powerful game engine, Battlefield 3 immerses players physically and emotionally to the world around them like never before.
Feel the Battle — Feel the impact of bullets and explosions, drag your fallen comrades into safety, and mount your weapon on almost any part of the terrain. Battlefield 3’s cutting edge animation, spectacular visuals and real as hell battle gameplay attack your senses and make you feel the visceral warriors experience like no other FPS.
Unparalleled Vehicle Warfare — The best online vehicle warfare experience gets even better with a fitting sonic boom as fighter jets headline impressive lineup of land, air and sea vehicles.
Urban Combat — Take the fight to iconic and unexpected places in the USA, Middle East, and Europe including claustrophobic streets, metropolitan downtowns, and open, vehicle-friendly landscapes as you fight your way through the war of tomorrow.


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